2.Project Description- What was the Hero in My Eyes project?
The hero in my eyes project was that we had to pick someone who we consider our hero. Then write an essay about why we consider them our hero.
3.Process- What steps did you take to get to the final product?
We had to do drafts and got together with our peers, so they can edit them. Then type the final one.
4.Reflection- What did you learn? What challenges did you encounter? What would you do the same or different? How will this help you later?
I learned that a hero isn't always someone who has powers. It can be anyone who does something for someone else.
My challenge was doing the Hero CS, I didn't really get how to do it.
What i would've done differently would be to probably add more detail to my final draft to make it more descriptive.
This would help me improve on my draft and also to improve my writing.
5.I used wonder because i asked myself those questions based on my hero essay.