Project Description: The assignment was to write a 400 to 500 word essay about something you believe. We are also creating a black and white silhouette images of our side profiles. Once we are finished with both the writing piece and the profile image, they will both be displayed together in a frame.
Process- First we had top write 30 things we believe in, they didn't have to be serious. After this brainstorm we had to start doing the essay. I had my peers review my first personal essay and my second draft Charlotte has to go over it and finally I will be able to write my final essay. We still need to take a picture and put it on the frame along with the personal essay.
Reflection- I learned that not everybody will agree with your beliefs, but it's important to express your beliefs. I also learned other peoples beliefs.
The challenge I have encounter was writing my essay since it had to be 400-500 words. I think that when you are writing a personal experience and expressing what you feel it's hard to have a specific amount of words that you can write in your essay. People tend to write more on personal essays since there is a lot of sensory detail to include in it.
If I could make changes in this project maybe it would be to re-do my 30 things I believe list just because I think I didn't put a lot of time and effort into it.
I think that it could help me spend less time while doing the project if I try my best on brainstorming it so at the end I have more time to work my product and it won't be as hard because everything will be organized.